Taxiway A and B Extension Project

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Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin on Monday April 28th . The Extension of Taxiway A and B Project has a construction schedule of 60 days. The work will require periodic night time closures when work is necessary inside the runway safety areas. Night time has been defined as 10:00 pm to 6:00 am. The contractor is working with the Airport Engineer on the construction schedule to minimize the closures. Scheduled closures will be announced with as much advanced notice as practical. (72-hours notice is the goal).

Information and notifications will be issued through the Friends of McCollum Email Distribution System and the NOTAM system as it becomes available. Up to 95% of this project is being funded with grants received from the Federal Aviation Administration and the State of Georgia Aviation Division. Federal Airport Grants are funded by the Aviation Trust Fund which is fully funded by the users of aviation services, including the federal tax on aviation fuel paid by our airport customers.


Cobb County International Airport - McCollum Field

Cobb County International Airport

McCollum Field is owned by Cobb County, operated by the County Department of Transportation characterizing it as a municipal airport. It is managed by a full-time, professional airport manager. The airport employs almost 185 people, and had an annual economic impact of more than $47 million to the local economy in 2002.

1723 McCollum Pkwy NW, Kennesaw, GA 30144

