Nearby Radio Navigation Aids

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Nearby radio navigation aids

VOR radial/distance  VOR name  Freq   Var
PDK r301/17.0 PEACHTREE VOR/DME 116.60 02W
ATL r341/24.4 ATLANTA VORTAC 116.90 00W
RMG r108/27.5 ROME VORTAC 115.40 01E
NDB name  Hdg/Dist  Freq   Var   ID
CHERO 205/15.3 415 04W DJD  -.. .--- -..
CARTERSVILLE 136/16.6 308 04W EVZ  . ...- --..
PICKENS COUNTY 198/27.4 285 04W JZP  .--- --.. .--.
CALHOUN 147/28.5 323 02W OUK  --- ..- -.-
FLOYD 123/33.0 388 02W OYD  --- -.-- -..
FLOWERY BRANCH 255/36.2 365 03W FKV  ..-. -.- ...-
CARROLLTON 047/37.8 278 02W GPQ  --. .--. --.-

Cobb County International Airport - McCollum Field

Cobb County International Airport

McCollum Field is owned by Cobb County, operated by the County Department of Transportation characterizing it as a municipal airport. It is managed by a full-time, professional airport manager. The airport employs almost 185 people, and had an annual economic impact of more than $47 million to the local economy in 2002.

1723 McCollum Pkwy NW, Kennesaw, GA 30144

